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Automations allow you to automatically respond to events that happen in your software catalog by triggering predefined actions. They help streamline routine tasks and enforce policies without manual intervention.

Read more about automations in the Port's documentation.


An automation consists of two main parts:

  1. Trigger - The event that starts the automation
  2. Action - The logic that executes when the trigger occurs

Available Triggers

There are two types of triggers available:

Entity Triggers

TriggerDescriptionEvent Type
Entity CreationTriggered when an entity is createdENTITY_CREATED
Entity UpdateTriggered when an entity is updatedENTITY_UPDATED
Entity DeletionTriggered when an entity is deletedENTITY_DELETED
Any Entity ChangeTriggered on any entity change (create/update/delete)ANY_ENTITY_CHANGE
Timer ExpirationTriggered when a timer property on an entity expiresTIMER_PROPERTY_EXPIRED

Action Run Triggers

TriggerDescriptionEvent Type
Action Run CreationTriggered when an action run is createdRUN_CREATED
Action Run UpdateTriggered when an action run is updated or approvedRUN_UPDATED
Any Action Run ChangeTriggered on any action run changeANY_RUN_CHANGE

Configuring Automations

Automations are defined using JSON configuration. Here's a basic example: