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Catalog builder

The catalog builder is a feature in Port that allows you to create and manage your software catalog.

You first

  • integrate from all the data sources you have
  • create blueprints which are basiaclly the table definitions for the data model
  • And lastly you map the data from the data sources to the blueprint


  1. Read repositories from GitHub
  2. Build a data model of services which has a name, description, owner, and a langauge. Data model
  3. Map each repository to a the service blueprint using JQ, JQ Playground.
    • we basically map the JSON response from GitHub to the blueprint properties.
- kind: repository
query: "true"
mappings: # Mappings between one GitHub API object to a Port entity. Each value is a JQ query.
currentIdentifier: ".name" # OPTIONAL - keep it only in case you want to change the identifier of an existing entity from "currentIdentifier" to "identifier".
identifier: ".name"
title: ".name"
blueprint: '"service"'
description: ".description"
url: ".html_url"
defaultBranch: ".default_branch"

Catalog builder

Read more about the catalog builder in the Port's documentation.